In harmony with the atmosphere of welcoming Lunar New Year At Ty 2025, VinaPhone launches a discount program for the SPOTV10 VinaPhone package while the capacity discount remains the same. The program is implemented from the 1st to the 5th day of At Ty Lunar New Year 2025, January 29, to February 2, 2025. All incentives of the SPOTV10 VinaPhone package will remain the same and the price will be halved. Below is information about the SPOTV10 VinaPhone package with a discount for Tet.
Instructions for registering for SPOTV10 VinaPhone to celebrate Tet
To register for the SPOTV10 VinaPhone package, you Text message DK SPOTV10 to 900 or SPOTV10 send 900. We can also quickly register for the package by scanning the QR code below.
Conditions for registering the package: Prepaid mobile subscription with two-way operation on VinaPhone network.
Package promotion information
- The package costs 5,000 VND/24 hours
- 5 GB data (access stops when full)
- No charge for calls within VinaPhone mobile network under 20 minutes (maximum 1440 minutes)
- 5 minutes of off-network mobile calls
- Free to watch MyTV Mobile television application, VTVCab channel series, sports VOD & SPOTV
- The package automatically renews when the original account has at least 10,000 VND left
Note, only applies when subscribers register for a new package. When renewing, the old price will return
Each subscriber can enjoy the promotion only once. Applicable when subscribers register on all channels except payment via TKC.
When the deployment period expires, the package policy applies according to the current policy.
To check the remaining 4G capacity of VinaPhone, compose TRACUU SPOTV10 and send to 900. If the customer wants to cancel the package, compose the message HUY SPOTV10 and send to 900.