Possessing a standard CSS color code table, you will be more confident when designing and programming the web, because color is an indispensable part of the Internet world. These are standard RGB hex color codes, you can remember or save them to copy when needed!
According to Wikipedia, the RGB color model uses a additive model in which red, green, and blue light are combined together in various ways to form other colors. The acronym RGB in English means red, green and blue, which are the three primary colors in complementary light models.
Note also that the RGB color model itself does not define “red”, “green” and “blue” exactly, so the same RGB values can be described as describes relatively different colors on different devices with the same color model. While they share a common color model, their actual color spaces vary significantly.
The Hex color system is a variation of RGB, using a 16bit mechanism and starting with the # sign instead of numbers from 0 to 225 like RGB.
Level |
Color |
Color name |
RGB hex value |
Show |
CSS Level 1 | black |
#000000 |
silver |
#c0c0c0 |
gray |
#808080 |
white |
#ffffff |
maroon |
#800000 |
red |
#ff0000 |
purple |
#800080 |
fuchsia |
#ff00ff |
green |
#008000 |
lime |
#00ff00 |
olive |
#808000 |
yellow |
#ffff00 |
navy |
#000080 |
blue |
#0000ff |
teal |
#008080 |
aqua |
#00ffff |
CSS Level 2 (Revision 1) | orange |
#ffa500 |
CSS Color Module Level 3 | aliceblue |
#f0f8ff |
antiquewhite |
#faebd7 |
aquamarine |
#7fffd4 |
azure |
#f0ffff |
beige |
#f5f5dc |
bisque |
#ffe4c4 |
blanchedalmond |
#ffebcd |
blueviolet |
#8a2be2 |
brown |
#a52a2a |
burlywood |
#deb887 |
cadetblue |
#5f9ea0 |
chartreuse |
#7fff00 |
chocolate |
#d2691e |
coral |
#ff7f50 |
cornflowerblue |
#6495ed |
cornsilk |
#fff8dc |
crimson |
#dc143c |
cyan (synonym of aqua ) |
#00ffff |
darkblue |
#00008b |
darkcyan |
#008b8b |
darkgoldenrod |
#b8860b |
darkgray |
#a9a9a9 |
darkgreen |
#006400 |
darkgrey |
#a9a9a9 |
darkkhaki |
#bdb76b |
darkmagenta |
#8b008b |
darkolivegreen |
#556b2f |
darkorange |
#ff8c00 |
darkorchid |
#9932cc |
darkred |
#8b0000 |
darksalmon |
#e9967a |
darkseagreen |
#8fbc8f |
darkslateblue |
#483d8b |
darkslategray |
#2f4f4f |
darkslategrey |
#2f4f4f |
darkturquoise |
#00ced1 |
darkviolet |
#9400d3 |
deeppink |
#ff1493 |
deepskyblue |
#00bfff |
dimgray |
#696969 |
dimgrey |
#696969 |
dodgerblue |
#1e90ff |
firebrick |
#b22222 |
floralwhite |
#fffaf0 |
forestgreen |
#228b22 |
gainsboro |
#dcdcdc |
ghostwhite |
#f8f8ff |
gold |
#ffd700 |
goldenrod |
#daa520 |
greenyellow |
#adff2f |
grey |
#808080 |
honeydew |
#f0fff0 |
hotpink |
#ff69b4 |
indianred |
#cd5c5c |
indigo |
#4b0082 |
ivory |
#fffff0 |
khaki |
#f0e68c |
lavender |
#e6e6fa |
lavenderblush |
#fff0f5 |
lawngreen |
#7cfc00 |
lemonchiffon |
#fffacd |
lightblue |
#add8e6 |
lightcoral |
#f08080 |
lightcyan |
#e0ffff |
lightgoldenrodyellow |
#fafad2 |
lightgray |
#d3d3d3 |
lightgreen |
#90ee90 |
lightgrey |
#d3d3d3 |
lightpink |
#ffb6c1 |
lightsalmon |
#ffa07a |
lightseagreen |
#20b2aa |
lightskyblue |
#87cefa |
lightslategray |
#778899 |
lightslategrey |
#778899 |
lightsteelblue |
#b0c4de |
lightyellow |
#ffffe0 |
limegreen |
#32cd32 |
linen |
#faf0e6 |
magenta (synonym of fuchsia ) |
#ff00ff |
mediumaquamarine |
#66cdaa |
mediumblue |
#0000cd |
mediumorchid |
#ba55d3 |
mediumpurple |
#9370db |
mediumseagreen |
#3cb371 |
mediumslateblue |
#7b68ee |
mediumspringgreen |
#00fa9a |
mediumturquoise |
#48d1cc |
mediumvioletred |
#c71585 |
midnightblue |
#191970 |
mintcream |
#f5fffa |
mistyrose |
#ffe4e1 |
moccasin |
#ffe4b5 |
navajowhite |
#ffdead |
oldlace |
#fdf5e6 |
olivedrab |
#6b8e23 |
orangered |
#ff4500 |
orchid |
#da70d6 |
palegoldenrod |
#eee8aa |
palegreen |
#98fb98 |
paleturquoise |
#afeeee |
palevioletred |
#db7093 |
papayawhip |
#ffefd5 |
peachpuff |
#ffdab9 |
peru |
#cd853f |
pink |
#ffc0cb |
plum |
#dda0dd |
powderblue |
#b0e0e6 |
rosybrown |
#bc8f8f |
royalblue |
#4169e1 |
saddlebrown |
#8b4513 |
salmon |
#fa8072 |
sandybrown |
#f4a460 |
seagreen |
#2e8b57 |
seashell |
#fff5ee |
sienna |
#a0522d |
skyblue |
#87ceeb |
slateblue |
#6a5acd |
slategray |
#708090 |
slategrey |
#708090 |
snow |
#fffafa |
springgreen |
#00ff7f |
steelblue |
#4682b4 |
tan |
#d2b48c |
thistle |
#d8bfd8 |
tomato |
#ff6347 |
turquoise |
#40e0d0 |
violet |
#ee82ee |
wheat |
#f5deb3 |
whitesmoke |
#f5f5f5 |
yellowgreen |
#9acd32 |
CSS Color Module Level 4 | rebeccapurple |
#663399 |