You've probably watched a lot of YouTube videos over the years. You will see many promotional videos, unboxing (unboxing a new product), makeup tutorials, music videos and reaction videos. There are many different types of videos.
But what if you want to go from just watching videos to creating videos on YouTube? If you want to start your YouTube channel today, these are the most popular types of videos you can make.
The 10 most popular video types on YouTube
Getting started with YouTube is easy; But achieving success is a much more difficult task. Although the majority of the most viewed videos on YouTube are music-related, there are many other types to choose from. Let's look at each of these options!
1. Video unboxing
Considered one of the most special types of YouTube videos, unboxing videos are the process in which you open a box and describe its contents. Oddly enough, this type of video is extremely popular and quite easy to make. All you need is a technology product/cosmetic/toy, etc. in its original box and a securely placed camera to record the entire process.
As long as you keep talking while the unboxing happens, you'll be able to create a video that people find interesting and want to engage with. Note that some unboxing videos have background music, rather than commentary from the creator, but they tend to be very brief.
2. Timelapse videos
Timelapse is a technique that combines photography and video to create time-lapse clips.
The simplest way to create a video like this is to use a timelapse app on a smartphone. However, editing existing videos to look like timelapses is also popular.
No matter which option you choose, you'll get amazing results, which is why timelapse videos are so popular right now. However, many other creators also share their timelapse videos, so choosing your theme carefully is extremely important.
Timelapse videos can be anything from Lego construction to the construction of a real building (such as the new World Trade Center) and even creating art.
3. Video instructions for playing the game
Do you like playing games? With the help of a screen capture device (or video camera), you can convey your expertise about a particular game (or level) and can entertain many people. at the same time. Treating video gaming as a spectator sport is a relatively new, but extremely popular, phenomenon. Let's look at the case of Twitch, where millions of gamers gather every month. Some gamers have even become celebrities thanks to it.
YouTube has its own version, YouTube Gaming, where players can stream or upload their own gaming activity. Unlike Twitch, these videos will remain on the site long term.
If you are using an Android device, Google Play Games can help you record and upload your videos. If you have a gaming console, you can record your gameplay using the built-in software. (Older consoles will need third-party hardware).
4. Instructional videos
YouTube is a frequent destination for anyone looking to do something. It could be a tech help tool to solve problems when upgrading to Windows 10, or something less computer related, like learning the basics of carpentry, for example. term.
Do you have a special skill, ability, or technique you want to share with others? Creating instructional videos is the best way to share that skill with everyone.
You can do a simple screencast (essentially recording your computer screen) or choose a direct approach by sitting facing the camera. The second option may involve quite a bit of work involved in filming and post-production editing. However, as long as you have the editing tools and ability, the results will be worth the effort.
5. Product review video
Like unboxing videos, product review videos are also very easy to produce. However, if you want to make your video attractive to viewers, take notes in advance of what you need to say. After all, you don't want to be in a situation where you have nothing to say in your video, right?
Although the first impression of a review video is quite similar to an unboxing video, product review videos will have to go into more detail. For example, a video review will include reflections on your experience with the product, whether it's a new pan, bicycle, pencil collection, or whatever. The topic of the video is up to you!
The coolest thing is that you can shoot a product review with a single camera. You can then add some photos and captions to the video to make your product more appealing.
6. Fan videos, reviews and comments
Another popular choice is fan videos. This could be a speculation (or review) about your favorite TV show, movie, or book series, or even a review.
Famous franchises discussed in such videos include Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and Doctor Who. Of course, there's no reason to limit yourself, but you should spend a few minutes studying the videos that are already available. It would be better to know what kind of videos people want to enjoy.
Fortunately, producing this type of video is also very simple. All you need is a webcam or digital video camera, plus the ability to talk about shows or movies you like.
7. Video reactions
Video reaction is a video reacting to a product, work, phenomenon or service.
Like unboxing videos, reaction videos are a popular choice and are very simple to produce. However, it's also the type of video that's likely to be the slowest to produce, depending on how you set it up, what tools you use, and what you're reacting to.
Creating reaction videos can be done using anything from a computer webcam to a smartphone app.
As long as you can somehow match what you're looking at with your reaction, the results will be great.
8. Videos about cute animals
You must have seen all the videos about cats, dogs, birds or even pigs, etc., animals that can do cute things that you can't imagine.
Surprisingly, this type of video often attracts viewers. In general, everyone loves the cuteness of animals like dogs or cats, and wants to share adorable moments about them.
So if you have a pet that knows a little “acting,” take the time to film it. Set a regular filming schedule to capture its cute moments, as closely as possible, like the time you feed it, for example.
9. Videos about rumors related to celebrities
Everyone likes to talk about other people, especially famous people (perhaps because there are so many rich and interesting topics related to them).
That's why celebrity-related videos are extremely popular on YouTube. After all, some people just need to find out what Ed Sheeran ate for lunch, how George Clooney works out, and why Lady Gaga plans to wear a hat made of Play-Doh .
Videos about celebrity gossip can use a basic approach such as using a camera, vlogging or perhaps using clips of the celebrities mentioned. You can then add dialogue for what they're saying, why you think it's important, and what it means for their career.
10. Vlogs
Do you want to say something? Vlogging, or video blogging, is a great way to find like-minded people. Vlogging has been extremely popular for decades, so if you find yourself with good speaking skills then this is an option worth considering.
Note that you should not talk about politics in your videos. Just like a blog, a vlog can be about anything. For example, Maddie Moate talked about the origins of rubber. Her huge collection of these types of videos has helped her become a successful YouTuber. As a result, Maddie launched three series of a reality TV show for children called “Do You Know?”.
However, be aware that the competition on vlogging is strong. Anyone with a smartphone, tablet or laptop can create a vlog. So, provide accurate and truthful information, choose topics that people care about, but also offer different points of view. Don't try to get views. Instead, provide perspectives and theoretical arguments that engage people in interactions.
You may have seen other types of videos, such as videos about pranks, karaoke, or harmonies. It's good to know all types of videos, but it's not necessary to start making them right away.
Once you start gaining an audience, build a brand of your own. One way to do this is to create an intro video on YouTube, which can be done with free tools.
Wish you success!
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