Application of image on iPhone automatically selects prominent images. Your photo library scanning system to select attractive and meaningful images. These images appear in photo utilities and souvenirs displayed on the screen, in the form of outstanding photos for users to adjust. Here are instructions for changing, prominent photo editing on iPhone.
How to edit photos stand out on iPhone
Step 1:
First you Find the image I like then click Heart symbol under. The photo will appear in outstanding photo utilities and memories.
Step 2:
If you want Delete outstanding photos has added then click Album Featured Photos. Then press and hold the image Select Remove from Featured Photos.
Step 3:
Outstanding photos also have more options for people, locations or memories displayed in the outstanding image. If you do not want to add photos to the outstanding image, click 3 -dot symbol in Photo of the person who wants to hide Already Select Feature This Person Less. Then there are 2 options:
- Feature This Person Less: This option delete their own photos and videos from memories and photos. However, their photos can still be in prominent proposals.
- Never Feature This Person: This operation will completely erase that person from all the introduction.
Step 4:
The photo application also automatically creates memories based on your trips and vacations. You access Settings and select the app, then click Photos and Cancellation of Holiday Events.