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What are SVG files? –

This article explains what an SVG file is and how to open it and convert it to more common formats like PNG or JPG.

What are SVG files?

A file with the SVG file extension is most likely a Scalable Vector Graphics file. Files in this format use an XML-based text format to describe how the image appears.

Because text is used to describe graphics, SVG files can be scaled to different sizes without losing quality – in other words, the format is resolution-independent. This is why web and print graphics are often built in SVG format. They can be resized to fit different designs in the future.

SVG files use an XML-based text format to describe how the image appears
SVG files use an XML-based text format to describe how the image appears

If an SVG file is compressed using GZIP, the file will end with the .SVGZ file extension and may be 50% to 80% smaller in size.

Other files with the .SVG extension unrelated to the graphic format may be Saved Game files. Games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Grand Theft Auto save game progress to SVG files.

What is the SVG format used for?

Templates and general design for the website

SVG files are used for web and digital design. While there are formats like PNG – which allows for a transparent background – or JPEG/JPG – which is a small digital file – SVG files are the perfect format for digital or web-based image use.

The best use of this format is for digital logos. Because SVG is infinitely scalable, it means you can save a logo as an SVG and can use it for many purposes – such as on a website, profile picture or online poster because there's no need to use it. degraded when scaling up or down.

If you create graphics for use with tools like Maker 3, SVG is also a suitable format for Cricut's Design Space software. Although you can upload PNG to Cricut Design Space, SVG is usually preferred and results in fewer errors.

Advantages of using SVG files

A group of people networking

SVG is infinitely scalable. This is great if you are creating artwork or a design that can be resized depending on the intended use. The use of SVG is very useful in web design because responsive design enlarges or reduces the elements of the web page to suit its intended use.

The quality of an SVG will always be the same, regardless of how it is used. Designs won't pixelate or distort once created and can be used in a multitude of locations and software.

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SVG files are written in XML encoding, embedding any text in your graphic as searchable text, not just as an image. This means your SVG files – if they have text in the image – can be searched by search engines.

You can easily add animation to SVG files in web design; although this is a web development skill and not a graphic design skill.

Disadvantages of using SVG files

Since SVG is a vector graphic, that means you can't add textures to your graphic. While there is another solution to turn real textures into vectors using Adobe Illustrator, vectors need to use flat colors to be infinitely scalable.

If you want to use an actual photo or image in your graphic, it cannot be saved as SVG. You should learn the difference between vector images and raster images before you start working with your images to avoid frustration.

How to open SVG files

The easiest and fastest way to open and view an SVG file (without editing) is to use a modern web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Internet Explorer — nearly all of which should provide some type of rendering support. displays SVG format. This means you can open SVG files online without having to download them first.

The easiest way to open and view SVG files is to use a modern web browser
The easiest way to open and view SVG files is to use a modern web browser

If you already have an SVG file on your computer, a web browser can also be used as an offline SVG viewer. Open those SVG files via options Open of the web browser (shortcut Ctrl + O).

SVG files can be created through Adobe Illustrator, so, of course, you can use that program to open the file. Some other Adobe programs that support SVG files (as long as the SVG Kit for Adobe CS plug-in is installed) include the Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, and InDesign programs. Adobe Animate also works with SVG files.

Some non-Adobe programs that can open SVG files include Microsoft Visio, CorelDRAW, Corel PaintShop Pro and CADSoftTools ABViewer.

Inkscape and GIMP are two free programs that can work with SVG files, but you must download them to open the SVG file. Picozu is also free and supports SVG format, but you can open the file online without downloading anything.

Because the Scalable Vector Graphics file is essentially a text file, you can view the text version of the file in any text editor. Even your operating system's default text reader will work, like Notepad in Windows.

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SVG files can be viewed using Notepad
SVG files can be viewed using Notepad

As for Saved Game files, the game that created the SVG file will most likely use it automatically as you continue playing the game, meaning you may not be able to open the SVG file manually through the program's menu. However, even if you manage to open the SVG file through the menu Openyou must use an SVG file suitable for the game that created it.

If the game itself doesn't open the SVG file, try GTA2 Saved Game Editor or open the SVG file in a text editor to see if there's something of use.

How to use SVG files

Understanding how to effectively use SVG files can greatly enhance your print and web projects.

Here's a guide to getting the most out of SVG:

The ultimate guide to implementing SVG

  • Directly in HTML: You can embed SVG directly into your HTML code. This is as simple as copying the SVG code and pasting it into your HTML document. It allows easy manipulation and styling with CSS and JavaScript.
  • As an image source: Use SVG files just like you use JPEG or PNG in img tags. This method is simple but does not allow manipulation of individual elements of the SVG.
  • Background image in CSS: SVG can be set as a background to any HTML element via CSS. This is useful for responsive web design elements like buttons and icons.

Edit SVG files

  • Text editor: Because SVGs are XML files, you can edit them with any code editor to change properties like color, shape, and size.
  • Graphic design software: Tools like Adobe Illustrator, Sketch or Inkscape allow for more intuitive SVG editing. These tools are especially useful when creating or significantly modifying complex graphics.

Tips for using SVG effectively

  • Optimization: Before using SVG, optimize it to remove unnecessary code and reduce file size. SVG tools like SVGO can help solve this problem.
  • Accessibility: Always add descriptive titles and descriptions using tags and <desc> in SVG. This improves accessibility for users who rely on screen readers.</desc>
  • Preventive: Provides fallback images for browsers that do not support SVG (increasingly rare but may include older or specialized browsers).

Advanced use cases

  • Interactive SVG: With JavaScript, you can make SVG interactive, responding to user actions like hovers and clicks.
  • Animation: SVG can be animated using CSS or JavaScript libraries like GreenSock. This can range from simple transitions to complex animations that define the user experience.
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How to convert SVG files

Converting an SVG file with an online tool is often the fastest and easiest way to get the file into the format you want. There's no need to pre-install an expensive program or download unfamiliar software.

If you need to convert it to another format, like PDF or GIF, and your SVG is quite small, a third-party online tool like Zamzar will do the job just fine. is another online SVG converter that allows you to convert SVG (from device or via URL) to several other types of formats such as EPS, Adobe Illustrator (AI) files, DXF, PDF, SK , etc..

If you have larger SVG files, any of the software programs mentioned above in the “How to open SVG files” can also save/export SVG files to a new format.

For example, if you are using Inkscape, after you open/edit an SVG file, you can save it back to SVG with any changes made, but it is also possible to save it to another file format. like PNG, PDF, DXF, ODG, EPS, TAR, PS, HPGL, etc..

Which design software supports SVG?

Design UX/UI on Figma
Design UX/UI on Figma

Although you can open SVG in most software, it's best to use vector-based software to take full advantage of the format.

Adobe Illustrator is one of the best places to open and create SVG images. You can create SVGs in Illustrator and edit colors in Canva; but to create and save SVGs on Canva, you'll need a Canva Pro account.

You can also create and save SVG files in Figma, Sketch, Inkscape, Vecteezy Editor and Vectornator. There are several browser-based alternatives to Adobe Illustrator with which you can also create SVG.

Although you can edit SVG in many non-vector programs, it is not recommended if you want to take full advantage of SVG structure and scalability.

Learning about different formats and their individual uses will be helpful when creating graphic design, web design, or digital art. The SVG format is common to most web and digital applications, but is not a universal format for all images.

Use SVG for infinite scalability for your vector graphics, but don't use this format for photos or raster-based images because the quality will be reduced.

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