This article explains the purpose of using ZXP file and how to open the file on your computer.
What is ZXP file?
The file with the ZXP file extension is the adobe extension package containing small software that adds function for adobe products.
ZXP file is actually just a compressed zip file. They replace the old Macromedia expansion plugin format (.MXP file) and improve by supporting digital signatures to determine the publisher of the extension.

Many filters and plugins of Photoshop have this format.
How to open ZXP file
Adobe Creative Cloud is a “normal way” to browse, as well as install plugins and extensions. If there is an downloaded ZXP file elsewhere, you can use the same program to install that file. There is in Creative Cloud (version 5.5 and above) which is Unified Plugin Installer Agent (UPIA), allowing you to install ZXP file from the command line.
Using Command Prompt in Windows, this is an example of what you will enter to install ZXP file:
UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent.exe /install C:\file.zxp
Third -party programs like ZXPInstaller can also install these files. Another program, Anastasiy's Extension Manager, can install, delete and update ZXP files.
Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5 and above supports ZXP files, while previous versions can use the original MXP format.
Because these package files are in Zip file format, you can also open them with Zip/extracted tools like 7-zip. Doing so will not allow you to use it with the Adobe program, but will allow you to view different files and folders to create files.
How to convert ZXP file
You do not really need to convert ZXP to zip because you only need to rename the extension from .zxp to .zip. Performing this will allow you to open the file in any extracting tool to support Zip format.
On the contrary – Convert the old MXP format to ZXP – Come on Tools > Convert mxp extension to zxp In Adobe Extension Manager CS6.
Additional information about ZXP file
If the file is not opened on the computer, you may not have the right adobe program needed to use that file. If the extension has other files and folders linked to it, open the CSXS and Manifest.xml inside that folder.
In the XML file, there is a part surrounded by the “hostlist” card. See which adobe programs are listed – these are the only programs that can use this specific ZXP file.
Common places you can find the ZXP file in Windows include:
- C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Adobe
- C: \ Program Files (X86) \ Adobe \ Adobe Bridge [version]\ Publishpanel \ Factory \ ZXP \
- C: \ Users \[username]\ Appdata \ Roaming \ Adobe \ Extension Manager CC \ Em Store \ Virtual Product \
On macOS, the ZXP file is usually in the following folders:
- /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/Extensions/
- /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Extensions/
- /Users/[username]/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/Extensions/
- /Users/Application Support/Adobe/Extensions/
Still can't open the file?
Although the file extension looks the same, the ZXP file has nothing to do with the ZPS file. This is the Zebra Portable Safe file used with a program called ZPS Explorer.
Another file extension has a similar writing method, zipx, used for extended zip files; They can be opened with Peazip.
If you read your file extension again and find that it does not end with “ZXP”, study the specific file extension to learn more about which format and program that can open the file.