If you have just switched to using a Mac and want to change a few system settings, you may be struggling to find a tool equivalent to Control Panel on Mac. That tool is called System Preferences, and here's how to use it.
System Preferences is Control Panel on Mac
While Windows calls its system settings “settings,” macOS uses a different word, “preferences.” Before you want to change any settings, you must first open the System Preferences application.
On newer Mac and MacBook desktops, System Preferences will be placed by default right outside the Dock. It is gray, the icon is a gear, click on it to open System Preferences.

Another way to open System Preferences
If the System Preferences icon isn't in the Dock, or you want to get to it faster, click the Apple icon in the left corner of the screen and select System Preferences… from the list.

Another way is to use Spotlight or Launchpad search. With both of these methods, you have to type system preferences then press Enter to open the application.
A quick introduction to System Preferences
After opening System Preferences, you will see a window full of icons divided into four sections.

First, we have the Apple account area. If you are logged in to your Apple account, click there to change personal information on the account, iCloud settings, App Store payment method,…
Just below are the settings that adjust the basic macOS software, including the Dock, wallpaper, and notifications. These settings will represent how the operating system works.
Next we have the Mac's hardware settings, including audio input and output, mouse or trackpad, Bluetooth, display.
Finally, you will see a few icons for external applications, such as Adobe Flash. Any icons here (if any) are installed and are not official macOS applications.
Adjust System Preferences
Using System Preferences is easy, just find the setting you want to change and click on it.
Normally, you can use the two arrow buttons at the top of the System Preferences window to switch between tabs in the application. You can also click the main menu return button (the button with 12 black dots) to see the entire Preferences menu again.

If you can't find the setting you want to edit, you can use the “Search” bar in the right corner of the window to search in System Preferences.

Click on the result that most closely matches what you're looking for and you'll be taken straight to that feature's settings page.