If you are a person working with the text all day, you probably depend a lot on your clipboard. Although the integrated Windows Clipboard works as expected, many people have recently switched to Ditto and found that it has completely changed the way the content management has been copied.
1. Clipboard sections easily
One of the things that makes users most disappointed with Windows clipboard is the limit of storing 25 items at the same time. When it reaches that limit, it begins to replace older items, which becomes a problem when you want to refer to the previously copied content.
Ditto does not have these limitations and allows users to save many items depending on the needs. Even better, you can arrange multiple clipsboard items into groups.
Instead of cluttering clips with pin items, Ditto allows separating excerpts related to work from personal notes, links or random ideas.
This makes it easy to find exactly what you need when you want. Like there are many clipsboard in an application and it will completely rationalize your work process.

2. Clipboard history options
Another feature that helps Ditto outperform Windows Clipboard is the integrated search function. With this function, you just need to remember a small part of what you have copied and can find the correct clip immediately without having to roll endlessly.
The search function also works with images, because Ditto saves all images with the common name CF_DIF. Therefore, just enter “cf_dif” into the search bar and it will show you a list of all images that have been copied, ready to paste wherever you need.

3. Completely control the clipboard interface
There is nothing suitable for everyone. The same thing is true for Windows Clipboard. It displays a small rectangular window and has no options to change the size.
In contrast, Ditto is very flexible. You can change the Clipboard window size into any size you want. In addition, you can easily expand or collapse the clipboard with just one click.
Ditto also includes many different themes, such as Classic, Darkkditto or Selenized-Dark, so you can easily match its interface with your custom Windows theme. If you want to customize, you can adjust the transparency of the clipboard window and the font type to enhance the overall interface of the clipboard.

4. Spacious shortcuts support
One of the things people like the most about Ditto is to support the shortcuts. It saves a lot of time and the best thing is that you can customize these shortcuts directly from the application menu.
For example, you can specify three different shortcuts to access the Clipboard itself. There is even an option to set a shortcut to paste text without formatting.
However, the most useful feature is the ability to set up shortcuts to paste the last 10 clipsboard items without opening the clipboard window. This makes copying and pasting many excerpts much easier.

5. Easy to arrange and delete
Finally, people like the way Ditto simplifies the ClipBoard arrangement significantly compared to Windows Clipboard. For example, you can choose multiple clips of clipboard by holding the key Ctrl Then delete all at the same time. In addition, can create or edit clipsboard items with shortcuts Ctrl + N and Ctrl + E.
If you have copied many items and need to arrange them in a specific order, Ditto also helps you do it easily. You can right -click on any clipboard section, navigation Clip Order and choose from options like Move Up, Move Down, Move to Top or Move to Last.

This enhanced flexibility and customization has turned Ditto into a favorite clipboard application on Windows. Unless Microsoft improves Windows Clipboard with these powerful features, otherwise it is difficult to attract users to return.