Windows Explorer is an essential program manager on your computer, but sometimes this manager also crashes, affecting usage. Then the Start menu, Taskbar or application disappears from the screen. If the computer encounters this situation, users can refer to some error correction methods below.
How to restart Windows Explorer Windows 11
Step 1:
You press Right-click on the Taskbar then select Task Manager in the menu displayed.
Step 2:
Showing the new interface, you enter explorer Go to the search bar at the top. Click Right-click Windows Explorer and select Restart from the menu that appears.
The window and desktop will disappear and the screen will temporarily go blank when Explorer restarts.
How to restart Explorer via keyboard shortcut
Sometimes, Explorer will freeze completely or important elements like the Taskbar will disappear. In that case, you can use a keyboard shortcut to open Task Manager and restart Explorer.
Let's Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc on the keyboard to open Task Manager. Once opened, you can Follow the steps above to restart Windows Explorer.
How to end the Windows Explorer process
If the above steps do not work, you can end and restart the Windows Explorer process.
Step 1:
Open Task Manager, then find Windows Explorer and click Right-click and select End task from the displayed menu.
Step 2:
Your screen will turn black but the Task Manager interface. Let's click next Run new tasks in the top right corner of the interface.
When the window Create new task just appeared, let's enter explorer.exe and click OK to relaunch Windows Explorer.
How to restart Explorer from the command line
Step 1:
Press the Windows key and launch Windows Terminal from the Start Menu.
Step 2:
Select PowerShell or Command Prompt then enter the command below and click OK.
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
Step 3:
At this time, the / sign will still flash and the screen will turn black. We Enter the command below to restart Explorer and press Enter.
start explorer.exe
How to restart frozen Windows Explorer on Windows 10
Restart Windows Explorer.exe via Task Manager
If you are using Windows 10, the easiest way to restart Explorer.exe is through Task Manager.
To restart Explorer.exe in Windows 10, please follow these steps:
1. Open Task Manager by pressing the key combination Ctrl
and choose Task Manager or right click on the taskbar and select Task Manager. Once Task Manager is open, click on options More details.

2. When the complete list of processes is displayed, scroll down until you find the Windows Explorer process. Then right click on this process and select Restart.

3. The Explorer.exe process will end and automatically restart. During this process, you will see the desktop disappear for a short time and then reappear.
4. Now that Windows Explorer has restarted, you can close Task Manager.
Restart Windows Explorer.exe from Command Prompt
This method allows you to restart the Explorer.exe process directly from Command Prompt. This method works in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
To restart Explorer.exe from Command Prompt, please follow these steps:
1. Open Command Prompt.
2. When Command Prompt opens, type the command taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe & start explorer
Go there and press Enter
on the keyboard. This command will terminate explorer.exe and then immediately restart the process so you can see your desktop again.

3. After entering the command, you will see the Windows desktop disappear for a second and then restart. Now, you can close Windows Command Prompt because the Explorer.exe process has been restarted.
Quit Explorer and then restart via Task Manager
If you are using Windows 7 or any version of Windows, you can also restart the Explorer.exe process by first ending it in Task Manager and then running it again from the dialog box. Create New Task.
To restart explorer.exe by first ending the process, you can do the following:
1. Open Task Manager. Once Task Manager is open, scroll through the list of processes until you find the explorer.exe process and right-click on it. When the context menu opens, click on options End Process.

2. When you try to end the explorer.exe process, you need to confirm the request. Click the button End Process to confirm.

3. Now, you will see Explorer disappear and you are left with a blank screen and Task Manager. In Task Manager, click menu File and choose New Task (Run…).

4. When prompted Create New Task appears, enter explorer.exe enter school Open: then press the button OK.

5. The Explorer.exe process will launch and you will see the Windows Desktop again. Now, the Explorer.exe process has started and you can see the desktop. Just close Task Manager and you're done.
Restart Explorer using the batch file
If you want to be able to restart Windows Explorer faster and avoid using Task Manager altogether, you can put together a simple batch file to do the job.
Fire up Notepad or your favorite text editor. Copy the following text and paste it as 3 separate lines in a blank text document.
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
start explorer.exe

Next, you will need to save the file with the extension “.bat” instead of “.txt”. Click menu File and then click Save as. In the window Save asselect the location to save the file and then, on the drop-down menu Save as typeplease choose “All files (*.*)”. Name the file whatever you want, followed by the “.bat” extension and then click Save.

Save the newly created batch file anywhere you like. You can then create a shortcut to the batch file that you can place wherever works best for you – on your desktop, Start menu, taskbar, or even add it to the Power Users menu you get. okay when pressed Windows + X.
Once your shortcut is ready, you'll have one-click access to restart Windows Explorer whenever you need it.