What is Digital Nomad?
Digital Nomad – Digital nomadic is the term for those who work remotely, often going to many different locations. They often work in cafes, common workspaces or public libraries, based on devices capable of wireless internet connection like smartphones and mobile broadcasting points to work in any Wherever they want.
With 34% of remote employees working 4-5 days a week outside the office, digital nomadic lifestyle can be an interesting ability if you are fascinated by travel and want to escape from the shackles. of life from 9 am to 5 pm. The following article will mention the benefits, job opportunities and reality of this alternative lifestyle.

5 benefits of becoming digital nomadic people
1. Work more effectively
There is no time to waste when you travel to beautiful places almost every day. Discovering the new surrounding environment will motivate you to get the job done as soon as possible. Adventure can be one of the best motivations.
2. There are more breakthrough ideas
Creativity appears when you combine the concepts that seem unrelated to form a new idea. Working in a different place every day gives you a variety of experiences. And when your brain is filled with this diverse input, your idea will become much more creative.
3. Becomes more adaptable
Continuously going to new places push you out of your safe area. And to adapt to the new environment every day, you need to be ready to interact with people and different cultures. This makes you more open with new experiences in the future.
Tourism also improves your brain's reaction to change. When you travel, the stress when moving to a strange place will stimulate the nerve branches in your brain. These extensions will enhance the ability and attention of the brain in new and challenging situations in the future.
In short, travel helps strengthen your desire and ability to learn your new skills.
4. There is more time to do what you love
We work to live rather than live to work. Complete work faster helps you have more time in the schedule to explore the surrounding environment, do what you are passionate and spend more time with your loved ones.
5. Create a lifetime friendship
Adventures and memorable experiences create close connections between people. When you start your journey, you will meet other digital nomads and become their friends. And if you travel with a friend or lover, your relationship will become closer than ever.
Common jobs for digital nomads
Today, most companies apply remote working form. 43% of American employees spent time working from afar last year and this figure will continue to increase. But being a digital nomad and working at home for a few days is two completely different things. If you want to keep your main job while traveling, you need to prove to the manager that you can still handle work remotely good time while traveling.
If you are looking for a job, screening through websites only listing remote work and asking potential employers to see if that role is suitable for your nomadic lifestyle.
Freelancer is also a popular role for digital nomads. However, before starting your journey, you must realize yourself. How will you make a living? Answer the following questions to help you find the answer:
- What am I good at?
- What do I like to do?
- Is there a need for work related to my skills?
- Can I do this job online?
Once you know how to make money, you can participate in the free job market by your own marketing and selling services or finding a job in the market.
Whether you choose to work for a company or work freely, becoming a digital nomad does not mean that you have to frame yourself into a specific role. Your job is only digital. Here are some common roles suitable for a completely remote working lifestyle:
- Accountant
- Customer service
- Design
- Editor
- Health care
- IT
- Marketing
- Project management
- Quality analysts (QA)
- Recruitment & Human Resources
- Sell
- Software development
- Teacher/tutor
- Translate
- Virtual assistant
- Writing
As you can see, there are many different industries and roles for digital nomads. Working remotely is becoming popular, this is very interesting and beneficial for the workforce. But that doesn't mean anyone and everyone should become digital nomads. This is still a difficult challenge. You need to have an organization and discipline, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy your travel. So how do you prepare for your journey?
5 things to consider before starting
1. Eliminate unnecessary expenses
Paying for things that does not affect life is never an ideal choice. That is why you need to eliminate all the costs that you will not need to live as a digital nomadic. Things such as gym members, registration fees and debts are all expenses that will make you bogged down on your career path. And if you are a free -working person, they will be even more burdened because you can go through some unstable income stages. Removing these expenses and paying off the debt will allow you to focus completely on your work and trips.
2. Make sure there is a source of income to rely on for months
Regardless of what lifestyle you pursue, having a safe plan is always wise. You never know when an emergency will happen. This is especially true when you are a digital nomad. You cannot find comfort in a warm, comfortable or family house, and if you are a free -working person, you don't have the luxury of a stable salary check. To expand your safety fund, you should sell any unnecessary furniture, transfer essential items to the archive, sell or rent home and save as much money as possible.
3. Buy Travel Health Insurance
Travel can bring you some of the most wonderful experiences in life, but not always a wonderful, fun and continuous movie. It is still real life. You will get sick, encounter an emergency and accidents, need regular health checks. You also need immunization to enter some parts of the world. Your health must be a top priority during the trip, so make sure you buy a health insurance package that takes effect everywhere you come.
4. Preparation for financial success
Having enough money is the key to a successful trip. Credit cards will usually charge if you use abroad, so ask your bank to issue international credit cards. You should also register a credit tracking service to warn if someone tries to steal your identity.
5. If you travel internationally, unlock your phone
Most countries have different mobile carriers, so if you want to move from one country to another, you need to call your current network and ask them to unlock your phone. You can use your phone in any country because you can install another SIM card from every international carrier you use on your phone.
After solving these problems, it is time to start a new life on the road.
7 tips to live as a real digital nomadic
1. Set up budget
As a digital nomad, the budget is the number 1 important factor. And if you follow, you can live quite comfortably. To make a successful budget, calculate the cost of living, travel expenses to each destination, the cost of stay there, the activities you will do there, the cost of working and how all the things This affects the savings if you cannot earn income for a while.
2. Plan for the worst situation
When you live abroad, it is important to have many backup plans in case of emergency. Life always has unexpected elements. Everything can happen. What if your car is broken? Or if you are stuck in a strange country without a backup plan? What is your plan B and C? You need to set these processes to handle unavoidable collisions on the way.
3. Join the digital nomadic community.
Digital nomadic communities like Couchsurfing and Nomadlist will help you learn the nuances of this new lifestyle and provide many useful tips. Other nomadic people will be happy to answer any urgent questions about your new lifestyle and any area you plan to visit. They will also teach you how to work effectively on the road. And the most beneficial benefit of these communities is that you can connect with other contemporaries, this can bring business opportunities, partnerships and new friendships.
4. Make sure there is always a mobile phone or wifi
If the company allows you to work remotely, show respect to them and your group by online as much as possible. No wifi or mobile phone waves are never an excuse for you to miss a meeting or not complete the task. The same thing is true, if you are a freelancer.
To ensure you always have an internet connection, consider investing in mobile phone waves and MIFIs MIFIs. The mobile phone size can detect the smallest signal of the mobile phone and send the signal to your car. The MIFI device is mobile signaling, so you do not have to depend on the flickering public wifi connection.
5. Make sure you can communicate with locals
Knowing the language of your country will come or know that they can speak your language is very important to have a successful trip. But if you have to go to a place where you do not know the native language or they do not speak your language, use Google Translation or other translation applications to help in a new environment.
6. Research destination destination
If you don't live in a car, find cheap housing on Airbnb or Couchsurf before reaching the destination. And make sure your accommodation is near the hospital, emergency room or clinic in case of emergency. You should also research to find safe residential areas.
7. Cash withdrawal from ATM
The airport is famous for being a place to calculate the towering money. If you need cash, withdraw money from ATM. Your bank will charge, but will be much lower than the fee at the cash exchange.
If you like an adventure lifestyle, become a digital nomadic nomad that can be one of the most useful but challenging ways of life. But if you are well equipped for yourself the organization, discipline and desire to learn, you can enjoy an interesting and full life on the way.
Wish you have interesting experiences!