If you wander on websites or forums about smartphones, you must have seen topics related to rooting equipment, especially Android devices. If you are wondering why you have to root or how to root your Android device. Invite you to refer to the following article of network administration.
After rooting Android phones, you have full access to the system and can run many types of applications that require root rights. These applications can disable the bloatware, control the permitted application, activate connection and many other great things.
Overview of Android root
1. What is root?
Root has many interpretations depending on the device and case. When using Root Android, here the root is the unlocking Android device to allow more access to the core software that may have been blocked by the device manufacturer.
Android is developed on the Linux platform. For Linux and other Unix operating systems, root user is equivalent to Administrator User on Windows. Root User has access to the entire file system in the operating system and do whatever you want. By default, users will not have the right to manage on Android devices and certain applications will not work without administration. Some settings and interventions on the system will also need to root the machine to be able to do it. In other words, Root Android is a way for you to get management rights on Android devices, from which you can make advanced tweaks or interfere with the system file.
With administrative rights, you can disable Bloatware (software pre -installed by the manufacturer on the phone) in the phone, do not allow the application manually, run firewalls, access the entire system file System or device connection, even when the connection feature is disabled. Many applications in Google Play Store (formerly Android Market) require management rights and will not be used until you root the device.
Root equipment is not required. We only need to root the device if we want to do the right to govern the user.
2. Why should you root your Android device?
Here are some reasons why you should root your Android device:
– Install custom rom:
After your Android device is root, you can flash a custom rom or kernel, which means you will experience and use your Android phone the same as if you've just bought.
– Remove Preinstalled Crapware:
Manufacturers do not allow users to remove preinstalled applications on their devices. However, when rooting these devices, users can remove the settings easily.
– Block ads (ADS) on any application:
Every time you play the game, … on the screen displays an advertising popup and this makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. However, if a device has been rooted, all these ads will be “removed” and no longer annoys you.
– Install incompatible applications:
Some applications require root access to be able to install on your device. So if your device is root, you can freely install these applications.
– Accelerate the process of starting Android device and extend the battery life:
Some applications like Greenify can automatically close applications not used on your Android device to improve your device performance. And of course, Greenify needs access to root.
– Update the latest Android version:
The operating system update is always a headache for Android users. By rooting the device, you can always download and install the latest operating system (optimized for each model) before it is officially provided.
3. Android phone root method
There are many ways to root Android phone and how you use depends on your phone. In general, the root is related to one of the following processes:
Unlock the bootloader: Google and devices manufacturers do not officially support root, but they offer officially to have low access to some devices, then allow you to root. For example, Nexus devices for developers and you can easily unlock the bootloader with a single command. You can then root the device by flashing Zip containing binary from the recovery screen. Other manufacturers also provide ways to unlock bootloader but only for some specific devices.
Exploiting security holes: Some manufacturers do not provide the official way to unlock the bootloader and change their software. However, you can still root these devices by exploiting security holes on the device to set Su binary into the system partition. The OTA update can fix security holes and unroot equipment. For example, there is a bonus worth 18 thousand USD for the first root person with Samsung Galaxy S5 device running on Verizon or AT&T. And a hole has been found, but future updates can prevent this hole from working and eliminate Root Galaxy S5.
- Flash cyanogenmod or custom rom: Technically, this is the extended way of the above two methods. Unlock the bootloader and exploit security vulnerabilities that can allow you to flash rom custom like cyanogenmod, often rooted. CyanogenMod has a simple conversion on its settings screen that allows you to activate or disable root access. Upgrading to the new version of CyanogenMod or custom ROM will not destroy your device if the ROM comes with an integrated way to activate the root.
4. Some notes before rooting Android phones
Before rooting Android phones or tablets, there are a few things users should identify:
- Guarantee: Many manufacturers assert that rooting has losing equipment warranty. However, Root Android really does not harm the hardware. Users can “unroot” the device and manufacturer will not be able to know if the device has been rooted.
- Security: Specifically, Google Wallet has a gap on root devices, which can allow other applications to access the user's PIN and other personal information. Google Wallet will display a warning news if the user is using the program on a root device. If you are one of the Google Wallet users to pay on NFC, you may want to review your device root.
- “Brick” phenomenon: Root device is a safe process. However, there are always some risks that are harmful to the device if the user changes common parameters and carries hacks on the device. In particular, if the user is trying to root a device or an operating system version is not supported by a tool. “Bricking” is damaging the device, making it no different from the function of a brick. When rooting, jailbreak or installing a homemade ROM, or hacking other Around, there will always be certain risks. It would be better to study a little in advance and find out if anyone else announced that he had successfully rooted the device.
5. How to root Android phone with Supersu
Before starting this process, you will need to unlock the bootloader in an official way and then install the TWRP Recovery environment, then use TWRP to root your phone.
Next to have access to root, we will use a program called Supersu, providing access to other applications. Although you can download Supersu from Google Play Store, that version does not really provide Root access. Fortunately, Supersu has a .zip file you can flash TWRP, which has access to root with Supersu's Android apps.
To start, access the link below to download the latest version of Supersu in the form of a .zip file to the computer. Then plug the phone into the computer with a USB cable and drag the Zip Supersu file into the internal memory or the phone card of the phone.
Next, start the phone to TWRP Recovery. The way to access this mode varies depending on the type of phone. For example, you need to press the power button and the volume reduction button at the same time, then use the volume key to boot into the Recovery Mode mode.
When you enter this mode, you will see the familiar TWRP main screen, click on the button Install.
Note: You should make backup in TWRP before continuing.
You will see the screen as shown below appears, roll down and navigate to the Supersu Zip file you have moved earlier.
Touch the Supersu Zip and you will see this screen, swipe to confirm the flash.
The flash package of this Suprersu package only takes a few minutes. After the end, touch the button Wipe cache/dalvik Appears and strokes to confirm.
At the end, touch the button Reboot System To reboot into Android.
If TWRP asks if you want to install Supersu right now, choose Do not Install. Sometimes, TWRP cannot detect that you already have Supersu on the device, so it will require its built -in version Flash. But it is best to flash the latest Supersu version as if done.
Manage root rights with the Supersu application
When restarting the phone, you will see the new Supersu icon in your application drawer. Supersu controls other applications on your phone with the right to root. Whenever an application wants to ask for root rights, it must ask the Supersu application, this application will display the required reminder.
To make sure the root works normally, you can download the root checker application and verify the root state. Or download an application only for the root you want to try and see if it requires you to grant root rights.
For example, if you open the Greenify app, an Android battery saving application for root phones, you will see the notification as shown below requires Root access. If clicked on Grant And receive a successful notice, this means you have successfully rooted the phone.
To manage root rights, open the application drawer and click the icon Supersu. You will see a list of applications that have been granted or refused to root. Touch an application to change its rights. If you want to unroot, open the Supersu app, go to the screen Settings Its and click on the option Full Unroot.
6. Use Kingroot to root any Android phone
Requirements: Your Android device must be at least 20% of the battery or more so as not to be interrupted during rooting.
Implementation steps:
Step 1:
On your Android device, open Settings => Security => Device Administration => Choose Unknown source To activate.
Step 2:
Download and install the Kingroot APK application on your Android device.
Step 3:
After completing the installation process, you will see the application icon on the Launcher menu.
Step 4:
Click the Kingroot icon to open the application.
Step 5:
Next, click the button Start Root To start the root process.
Step 6:
At this time, Kingroot will start the process of rooting your Android device.
Step 7:
Wait until your Android device screen appears a large blue trace as shown below, which means that your device has been successfully rooted.
Step 8:
Restart your Android device is done.
In addition, you can refer to the video tutorial of Android 4.3, 4.4, 5.0 and 5.1 devices below:
Refer to some of the following articles:
I wish you success!