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HomeTechnologyHow to create P2P Mesh VPN with Tinc

How to create P2P Mesh VPN with Tinc

Tinc is an open source virtual private network (VPN) adapter that provides a simple way to create a private peer-to-peer (P2P) network in Linux, Windows, and macOS. Similar to OpenVPN and Wireguard, it can link multiple computers on many different network structures into a single virtual LAN. Today's article will show you the benefits of using Tinc and how to install and create a simple mesh network based on Tinc.

Install Tinc on Linux

The first step in installing Tinc is to make sure your system is up to date. In Ubuntu, run the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Download and install Tinc directly from Ubuntu's package repository:

sudo apt install tinc
Package installation procedure for Tinc in Ubuntu.
Package installation procedure for Tinc in Ubuntu.

To install Tinc on other Linux distributions, use the appropriate package manager for that system. For example, you need to run sudo dnf install tinc to download programs in Fedora.

Installation procedure in Fedora Linux.
Installation procedure in Fedora Linux.

Confirm that you have installed Tinc properly by opening a Terminal instance and running it tincd –version.

The current version of Tinc is running on Ubuntu.
The current version of Tinc is running on Ubuntu.

Create a basic mesh network with Tinc

With Tinc on board, you can now configure your first network based on Tinc. Create a new folder inside “/etc/tinc”. This command will contain all files related to your Tinc node:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts

Create a new configuration file using your favorite text editor:

sudo nano /etc/tinc/mynetwork/tinc.conf

Paste the following code block into the new configuration file:

Name = mynode
Device = /dev/net/tun
Configure Tinc settings in Ubuntu.
Configure Tinc settings in Ubuntu.

Note: Some Linux distributions may change the location of the tun adapter inside “/dev”. To find its exact path in your system, run:

find /dev -name *tun* -type c

Create a text file in the “hosts” folder with the name of your Tinc node and paste the following content inside:

Subnet =
Port = 655

Replace the value of the variable “Address” with your device's IP address. You can find this by running ip addr.

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Ubuntu machine's private IP address.
Ubuntu machine's private IP address.

Note: You need to provide your machine's public IP address if you want to create a publicly accessible VPN.

Save your computer's hosts file, then create two files in “/etc/tinc/mynetwork”:

sudo touch /etc/tinc/mynetwork/tinc-{up,down}
sudo chmod +x /etc/tinc/mynetwork/tinc-(up,down}

Open the “tinc-up” file, then paste the following Bash code inside the file. This creates a virtual network interface for Tinc and assigns an IP address to that interface:


ip link set $INTERFACE up
ip addr add dev $INTERFACE
ip route add dev $INTERFACE

Save the file, then open the “tinc-down” file and paste the following content inside the file. This does the opposite of “tinc-up:” which will unassign the IP address from your Tinc interface and remove that interface from the machine:


ip route del dev $INTERFACE
ip addr del dev $INTERFACE
ip link set $INTERFACE down
Contents of script tinc-down in Ubuntu.
Contents of script tinc-down in Ubuntu.

Generate a key pair for your Tinc node by running tincd:

sudo tincd -n mynetwork --generate-keys=4096

Press Enter 2 times to accept the default save location for both private and public keys on your Tinc node.

Create a key pair for Tinc in Ubuntu.
Create a key pair for Tinc in Ubuntu.

Add the first Tinc client

To add a new Tinc client, first make sure you have installed Tinc properly on your second machine.

Tinc version on Debian.
Tinc version on Debian.

Create a directory structure for your Tinc configuration using mkdir -p.

Directory structure of Tinc client configuration.
Directory structure of Tinc client configuration.

Use your favorite text editor to create a configuration file for the Tinc client:

sudo nano /etc/tinc/mynetwork/tinc.conf

Paste the following lines of code into the second machine's configuration file:

Name = myclient
Device = /dev/net/tun
ConnectTo = mynode

Create a file with your Tinc host name in “/etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts”. In this case, for example, name your second machine “myclient”, so a file named “myclient” will be created.

sudo nano /etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts/myclient

Paste the following code block into the new hosts file. Similar to the first node, this determines the network configuration of the Tinc daemon:

Subnet =
Port = 655

Save the new hosts file, then create the “tinc-up” and “tinc-down” scripts on the second machine:

sudo touch /etc/tinc/mynetwork/tinc-{up,down}
sudo chmod +x /etc/tinc/mynetwork/tinc-{up,down}
Tinc-up and tinc-down script files with the correct permission bits in the second Tinc machine.
Tinc-up and tinc-down script files with the correct permission bits in the second Tinc machine.

Open the tinc-up file with your favorite text editor, then paste the following code block inside:

ip link set $INTERFACE up
ip addr add dev $INTERFACE
ip route add dev $INTERFACE

Save your tinc-up file, then open tinc-down and paste the following lines of code inside:


ip route del dev $INTERFACE
ip addr del dev $INTERFACE
ip link set $INTERFACE down

Complete the Tinc client configuration by generating its key pair:

sudo tincd -n mynetwork --generate-keys=4096
Procedure for creating key pairs in Tinc machine.
Procedure for creating key pairs in Tinc machine.

Run mesh network

You should now have two properly configured Tinc daemons. However, you still need to link these two Tinc daemons to create a P2P VPN in Linux. To do that, you need to copy the server configuration file from your Tinc node to the client and vice versa.

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Start by opening node's Terminal and navigating to the folder “/etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts” its:

cd /etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts

Copy the configuration file inside this folder and pass it to the client. In this case, the example will use scp to send this file over ssh:

Transfer Tinc client configuration from one system to another.
Transfer Tinc client configuration from one system to another.

Note: Although this example used scp, you can also transfer them manually using a flash drive.

Go to the client and copy the hosts file you just moved to the directory “/etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts” of client:

sudo cp -v ~/mynode /etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts/

Then, run scp on the client side to transfer the client's hosts file back to the node:

scp /etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts/myclient YOUR-NODE-IP-ADDRESS:~
Transfer the Tinc client configuration file to a peer on the network.
Transfer the Tinc client configuration file to a peer on the network.

Copy the client's hosts file to the node's hosts directory:

sudo cp ~/myclient /etc/tinc/mynetwork/hosts/

Start the Tinc mesh network

Start your fully configured Tinc network by running the following command on each host:

sudo tincd -n mynetwork

Confirm that you can communicate with your nodes through the Tinc interface by executing a simple ping command:

ping -c 5
Tinc VPN latency as well as the network device running on Ubuntu.
Tinc VPN latency as well as the network device running on Ubuntu.

Finally, enable the Tinc service to ensure that your VPN will work on system startup:

sudo systemctl enable --now tinc@mynetwork.service
Enable Tinc process on startup.
Enable Tinc process on startup.

Learning how to create your own P2P Mesh VPN in Linux using Tinc is just the first step to exploring this wonderful world of computer networking. Wishing you success!



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