The new threads has the option to post photos and videos from other accounts on your thread page, different from posting when lying in a separate interface. When you post photos and videos from other accounts on threads, the content displayed on your personal thread page so that others can see that content. Below is a guide to posting photos and videos from other accounts on Threads.
Instructions for posting photos and videos from other accounts on Threads
Step 1:
At the Threads interface you look to the post with photos and videos that you want to post on your thread page. Then click The icon posted At the bottom as shown.
Display the option below, click on Use the vehicle file.

Step 2:
Display the new thread interface on your personal account. We Write the caption, insert the position or hashtag I want Go to the post as usual. Below are photos or videos you posted from the thread account different from their name.
Step 3:
If you finish the content, then Click the post button To post on your thread account as usual.
Video post results, photos from other accounts displayed on your Thread's personal page interface as shown below.
When others visit your personal page, you will see this post immediately.