The research tool in Excel is activated with the Alt key + left mouse button to display the interface on the right side of the interface. However, many people often click mistakenly, causing the research interface to continuously display, affecting the adjustment of data in your Excel. If you do not need to use research in Excel, you can completely turn off this tool according to the instructions below.
What is the Research feature in Excel?
The Research tool in Excel is a data and content search tool and is activated with the Alt key and left mouse button. The Research interface in Excel is displayed on the right edge of the screen for you to enter the content you want to search for. To turn off this interface, you just need to click on the X icon in the corner.
But many people who want to completely turn off the Research tool in Excel need different settings.
Instructions for turning off Research in Excel
Step 1:
You press Key combination Alt + F11 to open Microsoft Visual Basic on Excel. Next, the user presses View section and choose Immediate Windows (Ctrl + G) to open the command entry window.
Step 2:
When displaying the command input interface below you Enter the command line below and press Enter. Then you press continue Key combination Alt + Q to save this change. As a result, when you return to the Excel interface, press the Alt + mouse click combination Research tools are not displayed.
Application.CommandBars(“Research”).Enabled = False
Step 3:
In case you need to use the Research tool again In Excel, we enter the command below into the Microsoft Visual Basic interface. Then also press Enter and Alt + Q to save
Application.CommandBars(“Research”).Enabled = True
The result when you press the Alt key + click the mouse will display the Research tool again on the right edge of the Excel interface screen.
How to turn Research back on in Excel
In case you want to reactivate the Research tool in Excel, we need to reopen the VBA interface, then press the key combination Ctrl + G to open the command entry window.
Below, enter the command below and press Enter.
Application.CommandBars(“Research”).Enabled = False
Then we press the key combination Alt + Q to save and exit editing mode. Then you reopen the Research interface in Excel as usual.