Thứ Ba, Tháng Ba 11, 2025
HomeFinanceInstructions for buying train tickets online, booking train tickets on the phone

Instructions for buying train tickets online, booking train tickets on the phone

From now on, you can book and buy train tickets directly on your phone, through the Vietnam Railway Corporation's newly updated Train Ticket application. Previously, the Train Tickets application only provided online ticket booking on your phone and then you needed to go to the counter to pay. However, with the new version, you will be able to choose the payment method and can pay for train tickets right on your phone. When taking the train, passengers only need to present the electronic ticket screen to the ticket checker along with the passenger's documents. This new feature saves a lot of time for passengers when buying train tickets on their phones. The article below will guide you how to buy train tickets on your phone.

Instructions for buying train tickets on the phone

Step 1:

We download the Train Ticket application for our phones by following the link below.

In the interface we will Select departure and arrival stations, One-way or round trip, day to day. Then press Find the train to display the appropriate train.

Step 2:

Next you choose trip crazyi choose the next train car, train seats want to sit. There will be hard seats, soft seats, sleeper beds, and air-conditioned carriages and prices will vary. The information will be displayed on the screen. Done selecting Click Continue below.

Step 3:

Switch to the new interface, next you need Enter train passenger information corresponding to the number of seats ordered. Done entering Click Confirm.

Return to the information filling interface, scroll down to see the section Fill in the information of the person ordering the ticket. Completed filling Click Update.

Step 4:

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When you have filled in the information of the traveler and ticket buyer, scroll down to the bottom and click Continue. Switch to interface Payment method. Here you are Choose an online payment method to receive electronic tickets. This ticket will be used to present when checking in for the train. You choose the payment type and then click Confirm. Then follow the instructions.

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