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HomeTechnology6 ways to change Administrator in Windows

6 ways to change Administrator in Windows

Although Windows usually places the first user on a PC as an administrator, there are many reasons and ways to change the administrator in Windows. Whether you're adding a new administrator-level user, want to promote a standard user, or switch to a new administrator entirely, this guide provides 6 ways to change administrators in Windows. Just choose your favorite method and get started.

Note: To prevent non-administrators from gaining unauthorized access, Windows requires you to make changes from an existing Administrator account.

1. Use Windows Settings

When you want to change the administrator in Windows, the simplest way is to use Windows Settings.

1. Open Settings.

2. Select Accounts in the left pane.

Select Accounts in the left pane
Select Accounts in the left pane

3. Select Other users on the right. This option is called Family & other users in Windows 10.

Select Other users
Select Other users

4. Select the desired user from the list.

5. Press Change account type.

Select Change account type.
Select Change account type.

6. Choose Administrator from the account type list and tap OK to confirm.

Select Administrator from the list
Select Administrator from the list

You can easily downgrade the administrator account using the same method.

2. Change Administrator in Windows via Control Panel

If you prefer to change settings from Control Panel rather than Settings, follow these steps:

1. Go to Start and search Control Panelthen click Open.

Open Windows Control Panel
Open Windows Control Panel

2. Select User Accounts.

Select User Accounts
Select User Accounts

3. If you want to change your own account type, select Change your account type. For other accounts, select Manage another account.

Change account type
Change account type

4. Select the account you want to change, then select Change the account type.

Select Change the account type
Select Change the account type

5. Choose Administrator (or Standard if you are downgrading) and press Change Account Type.

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Change account type
Change account type

3. Change Administrator in Windows using Command Prompt

If you don't mind typing a few commands, it's easy to change Windows user accounts between Standard and Administrator. Let's start by changing the Standard user to Administrator.

1. Press Win + Rtype cmdthen press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open Command Prompt with admin rights.

Open CMD with admin rights
Open CMD with admin rights

2. Enter the following to change the user account type to administrator:

net localgroup Administrators "User Account" /add

Replace User Account by user account name. For Microsoft accounts, use the first 5 letters of the account's email address. For example, for, the user account name would be “windo”. Remember, you can use Windows 11 without a Microsoft account.

Select the user account name
Select the user account name

3. Verify changes by typing:

net user "user name"
Command to change administrator on Windows
Command to change administrator on Windows

If you need to downgrade your administrator account, the process is similar:

1. Enter the following command, instead User Account by account name:

net localgroup Administrators "User Account" /delete
Command to downgrade administrator account
Command to downgrade administrator account

2. Verify changes with:

net user "user name"
Verify changes
Verify changes

4. Use PowerShell

If you prefer PowerShell, here's how to change administrator in Windows 10 and 11:

1. Press Win + X and choose Terminal (Admin). For Windows 10, select PowerShell.

Open Powershell
Open Powershell

2. Enter the following command at the command prompt, instead user account by account name:

Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member "User Account"

Just like Command Prompt, the username for a Microsoft account is the first 5 letters of the account's email address. You can also use:

-Member "MicrosoftAccount\emailaddress"
Choose a name for the account
Choose a name for the account

This brings the Standard user up to Administrator. If you need to downgrade an account:

1. Open PowerShell and enter the following, instead User Account by account name:

Remove-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member "User Account"
Order to downgrade account
Order to downgrade account

This will switch the account to a Standard user.

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5. Use netplwiz

Another quick and easy method to change administrator in Windows is to use netplwiz. With this method, every user is listed and you can switch back and forth between user types as needed.

1. Press Win + R to open Run.

2. Enter netplwiz and click OK.

Enter netplwiz
Enter netplwiz

3. Select the desired user and click Properties.

Select the desired user
Select the desired user

4. Select tab Group Membership and change account type. Click Apply.

Change account type
Change account type

6. Change Administrator in Windows through Computer Management

This method only works on Pro versions of Windows 10 and 11. If you have the Home version, this option will not be available. Follow these steps to change accounts in Windows 10 and 11.

You can use the third-party tool lusrmgmr to get the same results. This guide includes steps for both the Pro version of Windows and lusrmgmr. The screenshots are from lusrmgmr.

1. Open the Start menu and search Computer Management. Select Run as administrator.

Open Computer Management with admin rights
Open Computer Management with admin rights

2. Expand System Tools > Local Users and Groups.

Expand System Tools > Local Users and Groups” width=”789″ height=”231″ class=”lazy” data-src=””/><figcaption>Expand System Tools > Local Users and Groups</figcaption></figure>
<p>3. Select <strong>Users</strong> to open the list of users in the center pane.</p>
<p>4. Right click on the user and select <strong>Properties.</strong> Click <strong>Edit</strong> for lusrmgmr.</p>
<figure><img loading=
Click Edit for lusrmgmr

5. Select tab Member Of and click Add. If using lusrmgmr, click the tab Group membership and choose Add membership.

Click the Group membership tab and select Add membership
Click the Group membership tab and select Add membership

6. Choose Advanced.

7. Choose Find Now.

8. Select group Administrators from the list. In lusrmgmr, the group list appears immediately. Select Administrators.

Select Administrators
Select Administrators

9. Click OK to confirm your selection. In lusrmgmr, select Select.

10. Click OK again to exit the window. You will then see both standard users and administrators listed.

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You can also downgrade users using the same process. However, you will revoke the permission instead of adding it.



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