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HomeFinanceThe Minecraft formula for basic furniture, food, tools, protective tools, wool, dye

The Minecraft formula for basic furniture, food, tools, protective tools, wool, dye

The Minecraft square world always brings interesting things for gaming players, when opening up a large space and players will decide on their own way to play and the ability to survive in many different directions. Your creativity is also strongly exploited, when we can freely create many objects that no one is like.

From items, objects, materials, blocks or tools in Minecraft PE, gamers can be built in different ways, thereby creating many works in the game. There are two places that can be used to manufacture, the manufacturing area 2 × 2 cells in the bag (press the key), used to make simple objects. Monday is the 3 × 3 cell manufacturing table used to make more complicated things

In this article, we will show you how to make basic objects in the Minecraft game.

The formula for creating in Minecraft

1. Making basic utensils in Minecraft


This is the basic construction material in the game and is made into different items. 1 block of wood can be built into 4 blocks. Other wood items can be made from any type of wood regardless of color, except for stairs and wooden plates.

Create wooden planks in Minecraft


The main ingredient of the wooden stick is wooden planks, 2 blocks of wooden planks will produce 4 wooden sticks. If you want to create torches, names, signs, tools and weapons, you will need these wooden sticks.

How to make things in Minecraft

Fabricated table

The manufacturing table is made from wooden planks. And word 4 blocks of wooden planks we can create 1 manufacturing table. This tool will be used to make the majority of items in the game.

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How to make things in Minecraft


The main ingredient of the chest is wooden planks, in large quantities 8 blocks of wooden planks will form a chest. You can use the chest to accommodate blocks, items or materials with 27 boxes. If you put two chests next to each other, create a new chest double the original chest.

How to make things in Minecraft


We will use pebbles to make a furnace. 8 blocks of pebbles will produce 1 furnaceused for cooking or burning.

How to make things in Minecraft


Created from two components 1 coal block and 1 stick, We will create 4 torches. With the mission in the darkness, the torch is an essential item, or melting snow.

How to make things in Minecraft


You need 7 wooden sticks to create 3 months Complete, used to climb up high.

How to make things in Minecraft


The fence needs more ingredients. 6 wooden sticks produce 2 fences, 6 blocks of hell coal were 6 fences, 4 blocks of wood combined with 2 wooden sticks produce 3 fences, 2 wooden sticks with 4 blocks of bricks produce 3 fences. When using fences, monsters and wild animals will not be able to jump over, ensure your safety.

How to make things in Minecraft


Created by 5 blocks of wooden planks togetherthe boat will help you to walk in water without any healing.

How to make things in Minecraft


Need 3 blocks of wooden planks to produce 6 wooden planksis the basic palanquin in construction. Wood planks are used to make long stairs. 2 overlapping wooden sheets will create a block similar to the wooden planks.

How to make things in Minecraft


6 stones are created from 3 blocks: hard stone, sandstone, pebbles, block bricks, stone bricks, hell bricks, quartz bricks. This is also the basic material used in construction.

How to make things in Minecraft


We will need 6 blocks of wooden planks and 1 wooden stick to create 3 signs. This item is used to name, or write the word on top.

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How to make a sign in Minecraft


6 wooden planks or 6 iron bars will make 3 iron or wooden doors. Wooden doors can be opened by pressing or using switches. The iron door is only opened by the switch.

How to make things in Minecraft


From 8 wooden sticks and 1 wool will produce 1 picture Used for decoration.

How to make things in Minecraft


3 wooden games combined with 3 wool will create 1 bed. Used to sleep overnight, and to save the revival point if the character dies.

How to make things in Minecraft

Create wood in Minecraft

The formula for creating minecraft wood

2. The minecraft formula creates block (block)

Here are 60 blocks commonly used in Minecraft, click on each block to see the name and formula.

The formula for creating glowing rocks

Glowstone formula

Snow stone formula

SnowBlock formula

Stone Brick formula

Stone Brick formula

Formula to create brick

Brick formula

Sandstone creation formula

Sandstone formula

Smooth sandstone formula

Smooth sandstone formula

Formula for creating Decorative Sandstone

Decorative sandstone formula

Gold Block formula

Gold Block formula

Diamond block formula

Diamond Block formula

The formula to create Iron Block

Iron Block formula

Lapis lazuli block formula

Lapis lazuli block formula

Emerald block formula

Emerald Block formula

The formula for creating coal block

The coal block formula

The formula for creating Wool Block

Wool block formula

Formula for creating bookshelves

Bookshelf formula

The formula to create the Note Block

Note Block formula

The formula for creating block block

Clay block formula

The Jack-O-Lantern formula

Jack-O-Lantern formula

Formula for creating explosives

TNT formula

The formula for creating Wooden Stairs

Wooden Stairs formula

The formula to create Stone Stairs

Stone Stairs formula

Cobblestone Walls formula

Cobblestone Walls formula

Formula for creating Block of Redstone

Block of Redstone formula

Nether Brick formula

Nether Brick formula

Formula for creating Block of Quartz

Block of Quartz formula

Chiseled quartz block formula

Chiseled quartz block formula

Formula to create pillar quartz block

The Pillar Quartz Block formula

The formula for creating or bale (pile of straw)

Formula or bale

The formula for creating stained clay

The formula for creating stained clay

The formula for creating Stained Glass

The formula for creating Stained Glass

Granite formula

Granite formula

The formula creates Andesite

Andesite formula

Diorite formula

Diorite formula

Formula for creating polished granite

Formula Polished Granite

Formula for creating Polished Andesite

Formula Polished Andesite

Formula for creating polished diorite

Formula Polished Diorite

Prismarine formula

Prismarine formula

Prismarine bricks formula

Prismarine Bricks formula

The formula for creating Dark Prismarine

Dark Prismarine formula

The formula for creating Sea Lantern

Sea Lantern formula

The formula for creating Coarse Dirt

Coarse Dirt formula

Slime block creation formula

Slime Block formula

Formula to create Moss Stone

Moss Stone formula

The formula for creating Mossy Stone Brick

The formula Mossy Stone Brick

Chiseled Stone Brick formula

Chiseled Stone Brick formula

The formula for creating Red Sandstone

The Red Sandstone formula

Formula to create Smooth Red Sandstone

Smooth Red Sandstone formula

Chiseled redstone formula

Chiseled Red Sandstone formula

The formula to create Purpur Block

Purpur Block formula

The formula to create Purpur Pillar

Purpur Pillar formula

Magma block formula

Magma block formula

Nether Wart Block formula

Nether Wart Block formula

The formula for creating Red Nether Brick

The Red Nether Brick formula

Bone block formula

Bone Block formula

The formula to create Dried Kelp Block

The Dried Kelp Block formula

The formula for creating Packed Ice

Packed Ice formula

The formula for creating Blue Ice

The Blue Ice formula

Honey block formula

Honey Block formula

Honeycomb Block formula

Honeycomb Block formula

Formula for creating Stripped Wood

Formula Stripped Wood

3. Recipe for food in Minecraft

4. Formula for creating dyes in Minecraft

5. Formula for creating clothes, defense

6. The formula for creating wool

7. Formula for creating tools

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Have fun playing games!



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